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2 Lower School students painting on craft paper on the floor

Our school succeeds because of our talented faculty and staff. Working together, we strive to provide the best for our students. With many advanced degrees, publications, and varied experience and backgrounds, we come together to support this community. 

< 1 5 6 7 8 9 22 > showing 73 - 84 of 260 constituents

Fiona Evans

Third Grade Head Teacher

Morgan Evers

Visual Arts

Jill Feighan

Director of the After School Help Center, Middle School Support

Andrew Fenoy

Physical Education, Coach

Joanna Festa

Assistant Head of Lower School

Jevonnie Flemming

After School

Christina Ford

Music Conservatory - Piano

Theresa Foy

Chief Financial and Operating Officer

Robin French


Denise Fullington

Administrative Assistant, Admissions and Enrollment

Jacob Gallo

Technical Theater Assistant

Richard Gastel
