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A Collegiate pitcher throwing a  baseball to a hitter on the opposing team

Collegiate athletics are an integral part of school life. Athletics are integral to a comprehensive educational program and can contribute substantially to the learning experience of all students. Each student who elects to participate in a sport will be encouraged to develop his skills to the greatest extent possible, regardless of his beginning
skills or abilities.

Character development is enhanced through participation in sports as student athletes develop a strong work ethic, integrity, and preparedness while experiencing school pride and joy. Collegiate athletics provides experiences which are designed to fit harmoniously into the overall educational program, where students learn to put the team before individual achievement.

Wrestler has hand raised by reffery signifying a victorious bout.
Soccer players supporting each other during game
A student throwing a javelin
A student batting in a baseball game
Varsity soccer player takes free kick
Varsity basketball player in game
Cross country athletes at the start line
Wrestler prepares to return to bout
Basketball player shoots ball over defender
A student running on a track with a baton
Grade seven basketball player shoots free throw

Our Athletics Department believes that students learn best when they are a member of a diverse and just community that fosters purposeful and spirited engagement, inquiry, and collaboration in athletics.

We believe that student-athletes will be successful by doing their best and their best will lead to improvement throughout their playing days and beyond.


Sorenson Tournament






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