Academic Support
It is an expected aspect of adolescent development for every student to need a bit of extra help in an academic subject from time to time. Learning specialists work in partnership with faculty members, advisors, and grade level and divisional deans to support student learning both within and beyond the Collegiate’s classrooms. Students are identified as needing academic support either through weekly meetings, teacher observation, or through professional conversation. Students in the Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School can receive academic support from learning specialists.
Advisors & Deans
Each student in the Middle and Upper School divisions is assigned a faculty advisor who serves as a social and academic guide throughout the Collegiate experience. Advisors and deans work in partnership to support each student in all aspects of his experience at the school, including academic coaching and general academic counseling. Students can expect candid conversations with their advisors and deans about their engagement in class, feedback based on teacher observations, and trusted communication from students to advisors about their own identified needs as a growing student in Collegiate’s rigorous academic program. Advisors in the Middle and Upper school meet almost weekly with students, and deans interact on a daily basis with students. Lower School students are guided by their divisional leadership, talented classroom teachers and the skilled lower school learning specialist team.
Writing Center & After School Help Center
The Writing Center is available to Middle and Upper School students who would like additional support crafting or editing written works in process. The Writing Center is supported by our English department faculty and aims to support the development of sound creative and analytical writing that happens within the classroom but in a smaller, one-on-one setting. The After School Help Center is open to Middle School students only from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and allows students a facilitated study hall with faculty members available for extra help or support studying.
Peer Tutors
At times when it is appropriate and possible, Upper School students can work with Middle or Lower School students as peer tutors and to earn credit towards our community service graduation requirement. Matching peer tutors with students is done in collaboration with learning specialists, division heads, and department chairs.
Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities who are otherwise qualified for admission to Collegiate will be supported with documented accommodations that are considered reasonable within our educational setting. Requests for accommodations should be made to each division head and learning specialist. Please reference the Collegiate student handbook for more information on accommodation considerations.
Andrew Ayers
Lower School Learning Specialist
Jill Feighan
After School Help Center Director
Amelia Glauber
Lower School Reading Specialist
Alexandra Hekking
Lower School Reading Teacher
Nikki Solyom
Middle School Learning Specialist, Grade 5 Dean
Alice Vogt
Upper School Learning Specialist